int myInt = 101;                 // Integer
float myFloat = 45.81;           // Float
bool positive = true;            // Boolean
string message = "Hello World!"; // String

char letter;    // Declaration
letter = 'a';   // Initialization
// Comment on a single line
   Block comments
   Everything in here will be
   treated as a comment
int foo = 5;

int bar = 10;
foo = foo + bar;

     + : Addition             - : Subtraction
     * : Multiplication       / : Division
     % : Modulus Division

     ++ : Increase by 1       -- : Decrease by 1

foo += 12;   // Addition assignment operator
foo -= 35;   // Subtraction assignment operator
year = 2018;

if (year > 2018) {
   message = "After 2018";
else if (year < 2018) {
   message = "Before 2018";
else {
   message = "The year is 2018!";

   == : Equal to                   != : Not Equal to
   >  : Greater than               <  : Less than
   >= : Greater than or equal to   <= : Less than or equal to
int foo = 0;

// While Loop
while (foo < 100) {

int sum = 0;

// For Loop
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
   sum += i;   // adds all values from 0 to 99
// Declares the array "points" that can store 9 integers
int points[9];

points[0] = 716;
points[1] = 482;
cout << points[1];   // Prints 482

// Initialize at declaration
// Size of array automatically matches number of items
char grades[] = {'A', 'C', 'A', 'B'};
bool isNegative(int n) {
   return n < 0;

bool answer = isNegative(n)
if (answer) {
   cout << "Number is negative!";
class Person {
      // Only accessible from class instance
      int ssn;
      // Publicly accessible
      string name;
      int age;
      // Constructor
      Person(string n, int a, int s) {
         name = n;
         age = a;
         ssn = s;

// Creates a Person object called "man"
Person man("Bob", 30, 123456789);

// Prints "Bob"
cout <<;