myNum = 100 --Number
myOtherNum = 20.18 --Number
myString = "Hello World!" --String
myBool = true --Boolean
myNum = 0
myNum = myNum + 1 -- No "++" operator in Lua
+ : Addition - : Subtraction
* : Multiplication / : Division
% : Modulus Division ^ : Exponent
if myNum == 0 then
myNum = myNum + 1
== : Equal to ~= : Not Equal to
> : Greater than < : Less than
>= : Greater than or equal to <= : Less than or equal to
if myNum > 1 then
result = "myNum is greater than 1"
elseif myNum < 1 then
result = "myNum is less than 1"
result = "myNum is equal to 1"
-- While Loop
while myNum < 50 do
myNum = myNum + 1
-- For Loop
-- Loops 100 times, iterator "i" increases by 1 each loop
for i=1,100 do
myNum = myNum + 1
-- Optional third parameter is the increment value
-- This loop decreases by 5 each time from 100 to 0
for i=100,0,-5 do
myNum = myNum + 1
function isNegative(n)
if n < 0 then
return true
return false
isNegative(-15) -- Returns true
-- Multiple parameters
function pow(base, exp) return base^exp end
-- Functions can be assigned to variables
myVar = isNegative
myVar(20) -- Returns false
myTable = {} -- Creates empty table
myTable[1] = 'a' -- Put character 'a' at index 1
-- NOTE: Tables in Lua start at index 1
myTable["lua"] = 20 -- myTable contains 20 at index "lua"
myTable[1] = nil -- Removes value stored at index 1 = "Alex" -- myTable["name"] contains string "Alex"
otherTable = {2, 3, 5} -- Creates table with 2 stored at index 1,
-- 3 stored at index 2, and 5 at index 3
-- Iterate through all values in a table
for i, n in ipairs(otherTable) do
result = result + n
-- i stores the current index
-- n stores the value at current index
-- During loop, variable "result" increases by 2, then 3, then 5.