int age = 21;                     // Integer
float price = 10.951f             // Float
bool result = true;               // Boolean
string message = "Hello World!";  // String

char firstInitial;   // Declaration
firstInitial = 'K';  // Initialization

/* Other data types: double, long, byte */
// Comment on a single line

   Block comments
   Everything in here will be
   treated as a comment
int age = 21;

int yourAge = 34;
age = age + yourAge;

   + : Addition             - : Subtraction
   * : Multiplication       / : Division
   % : Modulus Division

   ++ : Increase by 1       -- : Decrease by 1

age += 5;   // Addition assignment operator
age -= 8;   // Subtraction assignment operator
if (age == 10)
   message = "one decade old";

if (age > 21)
   message = "over 21";
else if (age < 21)
   message = "under 21";
   message = "exactly 21";

   == : Equal to                   != : Not Equal to
   >  : Greater than               <  : Less than
   >= : Greater than or equal to   <= : Less than or equal to
// While Loop
while (num < 100)

// For Loop
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
   sum += i;   // adds all values from 0 to 99
// Creates an empty "scores" array that can store 20 integers
int[] scores = new int[20];

scores[0] = 92;
scores[1] = 87;

Console.WriteLine( scores[0] );   // Prints 92

// Insert values at instantiation
// Size of array automatically matches number of items
string[] friends = new string[] { "Chris", "Jill", "Alex" };
class Person {
   public string name;
   public int age;

   private int ssn;   // can't be accessed from outside instance

   float wage;        // fields are private by default

Person man = new Person(); = "John";
man.age = 30;
class Person {
   private int age;

   public int getAge()
      return age;

   public int setAge(int newAge)
      age = newAge;

Person man = new Person();
Console.WriteLine( man.getAge() );